mardi 2 décembre 2014

La lutte contre la drogue: Un échec total et mondial


Je reproduis ici un excellent article paru il y a plus d’un an sur le site:


La “Guerre contre les drogues” est un échec selon la directrice du Programme des Amériques

La remilitarisation de l’Amérique Centrale

Par Giorgio Trucchi, 01 novembre 2013

Région : Amérique latine & Caraïbe

Thème: Militarisation


La guerre contre les drogues est un échec” dit Laura Carlsen, directrice du Programme des Amériques. Le modèle de lutte contre le narcotrafic et le crime organisé impulsé par les États-Unis en Amérique Centrale non seulement a bruyamment échoué, mais en plus il a amené avec lui un approfondissement de la violence contre les populations locales et la remilitarisation du territoire mettant à découvert des intérêts occultes qui tendent à diriger et à intervenir dans les processus émancipateurs et unitaires de la région.

En partant de cette analyse, la politologue et directrice du Programme des Amériques du CPI (Centre pour la Politique Internationale) Laura Carlsen assure dans une conversation avec Opera Mundi que l’unique manière de combattre, et de mettre en déroute les activités liées aux narcotiques, est de promouvoir un modèle qui se construira depuis la base,  avec la participation citoyenne et la recomposition du tissu social, détruit par les politiques néolibérales des ultimes décennies.

Quelles sont les caractéristiques du modèle de combat du narcotrafic impulsé par les Etats-Unis au Mexique et à présent exporté en Amérique Centrale ?

Laura Carlsen : C’est un modèle basé sur la militarisation du territoire et l’affrontement direct pour l’interdiction et la confiscation des drogues illégales, ainsi que pour la détention ou l’élimination des membres des cartels de la drogue. Cela, par définition, implique d’affronter la violence avec encore plus de violence et le résultat est une augmentation exponentielle du nombre des morts. Jusqu’ici on compte que le combat contre le narcotrafic et le crime organisé au Mexique a laissé un solde de plus de 6O OOO morts.

Quel est le bilan de ce modèle ?

Cela a été un échec total. Cela a généré de hauts indices de violence, n’a pas arrêté le flux de drogues illicites qui entrent aux EU et jusqu’à la détention des capos (chefs) de la drogue n’a pas mis un « frein » au commerce. Au contraire, leur capture a déchaîné une guerre entre les cartels pour assumer le contrôle de territoire, générant encore plus de violence.

L’administration du président Obama a-t-elle amené quelque changement ?

L’Initiative Merida fut initiée en octobre 2007 comme un plan d’une durée de trois ans. Ce que fit Obama se fut de lui donner de l’expansion, de l’intensifier et de l’étendre de manière indéfinie. Pour la première fois, les EU se sont mêlés directement de la gestion d’aspects liés à la sécurité nationale du Mexique. C’est un changement structurel très préoccupant, qui à présent est projeté sur l’Amérique Centrale au moyen de la CARSI (Initiative régionale de sécurité pour l’Amérique Latine. Un des premiers effets que nous observons est la remilitarisation de ces pays et une dynamique de violence croissante contre la population et d’augmentation des violations des droits humains.

Quel intérêt aurait les Etats-Unis à reproduire un modèle qui est un échec ?

Ce pays n’est pas prêt à analyser ni même le pourquoi de cet échec et il reçoit de fortes critiques, jusqu’à celles des gouvernements de la région. Pour nous, cette attitude révèle que derrière la militarisation, il y a des intérêts forts puissants.

De quels intérêts  sommes-nous en train de parler ?

En premier lieu garantir les énormes bénéfices de l’industrie de la guerre » qui est radicalement majoritaire aux EU. Ce sont des milliers de millions de dollars qui entrent dans le pays à travers la vente d’armes et d’équipements militaires, l’emploi d’entreprises de sécurité comme les Blackwater et l’implantation de systèmes électroniques et d’espionnage de la population.

En second lieu, il y a un intérêt géopolitique, Les États-Unis veulent obtenir plus de contrôle sur les stratégies de sécurité internes des pays centraméricains, par-dessus tout, à présent que différents gouvernements progressistes ou de gauche se sont installés en Amérique  Latine, des gouvernements qui ne partagent pas les politiques néolibérales et impulsent des processus innovateurs. En ce sens les EU cherchent à renforcer leur présence militaire pour affronter ce qu’ils considèrent comme une menace contre leur traditionnelle hégémonie dans la région.

Il y a également un grand intérêt pour les ressources naturelles de ces pays…

C’est un autre point directement lié à la militarisation et qui a un précèdent en Colombie où, avec le prétexte du Narcotrafic, plus de cinq millions de personnes ont été déplacées. Et le plus absurde c’est qu’à présent, le Département d’Etat nord-américain présente la Colombie comme un exemple de sécurité et un modèle qui doit s’exporter sur tout le continent sud-américain. Au Mexique, par exemple, à travers l’Initiative Merida. Les EU ont militarisé le TLCAN (Traité de libre-échange d’Amérique du Nord) pour sauvegarder leurs intérêts commerciaux et protéger l’investissement étasunien dans les ressources naturelles. Enfin, il s’agit de ceci : une militarisation qui non seulement protège les investissements étrangers, sinon qu’elle provoque un processus de déplacement massif et de dépopulation des régions où se trouvent les ressources naturelles.

Dans différents pays d’Amérique Centrale, les protestations sociales contre l’exploitation des ressources naturelles ont été criminalisées. Vous partagez cette préoccupation ?

Il n’y a aucun doute, la protestation sociale est réprimée, par-dessus tout, dans les pays du Triangle Nord. Il y a une criminalisation accompagnée d’une répression des organisations qui luttent contre l’industrie minière, les méga projets hydroélectriques et touristiques, l’expansion de monocultures à grande échelle. Nous devons approfondir l’analyse et les enquêtes pour obtenir les éléments suffisants qui nous aident à prévoir ce que vise cette répression.

Quel rôle joue la DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) et le flux d’argent qui finance la lutte contre la drogue en Centramérique?

Nous avons essayé d’enquêter sur les flux d’argent qui alimentent la lutte contre le narcotrafic, mais ce fut extrêmement difficile à cause du manque de transparence. Dans certains pays, comme le Honduras et le Guatemala, les agents de la DEA sont autorisés à circuler armés et à tirer contre des civils, ce qui est absurde et représente une violation absolue de la souveraineté nationale et des droits humains internationaux. En plus, nous avons documentés les souffrances que cause la criminalisation des protestations et en particulier l’impact sur les femmes. Lamentablement cette situation choque par le total désintérêt montré par le Département d’Etat nord-américain.

Quels sont les impacts de cette politique sur les femmes ?

Il y a un indice élevé de harcèlements, tortures et violences sexuelles. Les femmes fréquemment prennent la direction des luttes de défense de leur communauté et de la protestation sociale contre le processus de militarisation et l’exploitation des ressources naturelles. Dans le cas du Honduras, cette situation coïncide avec l’augmentation de la violence qui trouve son origine dans le coup d’Etat et qui a augmenté avec le régime actuel de Porfirio Lobo.

Il faut également souligner la répression déployée contre l’opposition au coup d’état et l’usage d’une supposée lutte contre le narcotrafic pour réprimer l’opposition politique. Et tout cela au milieu d’une totale impunité. Au Honduras, les cas qui arrivent à une sentence judiciaire sont de moins de 2% et les plaintes pour corruption des institutions sont à l’ordre du jour.

La situation au Guatemala est également fort préoccupante. Les communautés, qui ont toujours en mémoire les horreurs de la campagne militaire génocidaire des années 80, voient que leurs territoires en reviennent à être militarisés et leurs gens réprimés

Alors comment combattre alors la narcoactivité et le crime organisé ?

Il n’y a pas une seule réponse, ni un modèle sûr, mais en tous cas, nous savons que la militarisation n’est pas la réponse. Il est important que cet autre modèle se construise à la base, avec la participation citoyenne et dans une perspective de sécurité qui ait comme premier objectif la sécurité de la personne et de sa vie.

En plus il faut se concentrer sur la récupération du tissu social, qui a été détruit par les politiques néolibérales. Il est nécessaire de le recomposer avec des programmes sociaux qui créent des emplois, garantissent le développement économique, la santé, l’éducation, le respect des droits humains. Il faut commencer par  construire une société forte, pour qu’elle puisse résister aux infiltrations du crime organisé, à l’exclusion des jeunes et à l’extorsion.

En plus, il faut forcer la volonté politique pour que la justice se mette au service de la population mettant un terme à l’impunité et la corruption.

Article original en portugais : “Guerra contra as drogas” é um fracasso, diz diretora do Programa das Américas, Opera Mundi, publié le 29 septembre 2012.

Traduction française Anne Wolff

Ce reportage a été publié originellement en quatre parties dans le périodique brésilien Opera Mundi. La traduction espagnole a été réalisée par son auteur et publiée sur le blog Nicaragua y más.

Giorgio Trucchi est le correspondant pour l’Amérique centrale du Système d’Information de la Rel-UITA(SIREL). Il collabore également avec le périodique digital Opera Mundi et ALBA SUD, où il gère son blog  Pueblos en Resistencia.

No de billet: 8021-41-21-20-1


samedi 22 novembre 2014

L’islande a des couilles: Des banquiers en prison


Je reproduis ici l’excellent billet publié sur le site internet “ Challenge” 

Par Etienne Goetz


Pourquoi l’Islande met les banquiers en prison et pas les autres pays

Etienne Goetz


Voir tous ses articles

Publié le 21-11-2014 à 18h36Mis à jour le 22-11-2014 à 09h17


Cette semaine, la justice islandaise a condamné l'ex-DG de ce qui fut la deuxième banque du pays à un an de prison. Et cette condamnation n'est pas une première. Explications...

Si l’Islande est aussi sévère à l’égard de ses banquiers, c’est notamment parce que la crise financière y a été d’une violence inouïe par rapport aux autres pays. (Andrew Drysdale / Rex F/REX/SIPA)Si l’Islande est aussi sévère à l’égard de ses banquiers, c’est notamment parce que la crise financière y a été d’une violence inouïe par rapport aux autres pays. (Andrew Drysdale / Rex F/REX/SIPA)


Imaginez le patron de la deuxième banque française condamné à 12 mois de prison dont trois ferme… Impossible en France, mais pas en Islande. C'est ce qui est arrivé ce mercredi à l'ancien directeur général de Landsbanki, la deuxième banque islandaise jusqu'à l'effondrement du secteur financier du pays en 2008.

Deux autres cadres de la banque ont été condamnés à de la prison pour avoir participé à la même magouille. Il leur est reproché d’avoir manipulé le cours de Bourse des actions de la banque. Les condamnations de banquiers ne sont pas rares en Islande. Des peines plus lourdes, de trois ans et demi à cinq ans et demi de prison, ont déjà été infligées en décembre 2013 à trois anciens dirigeants de Kaupthing, la première banque islandaise avant la crise.

Pourquoi donc l’Islande arrive à envoyer les patrons de banque en prison et pas les autres pays? Les banquiers islandais sont-ils plus malhonnêtes que les autres? Ou bien la justice islandaise est-elle particulièrement ferme? Rien de tout cela.

La crise a plongé le pays dans le chaos

Si ce petit pays est aussi sévère à l’égard de ses banquiers, c’est d’une part parce que la crise financière y a été d’une violence inouïe par rapport aux autres pays. Et d’autre part, parce que les Islandais ont fait de la crise un sujet politique.

"La crise a été beaucoup plus dramatique qu’ailleurs. En quelques jours seulement, le pays a plongé dans le chaos économique, rappelle l’économiste Paul Jorion, la monnaie a perdu plus de 30% de sa valeur, l’inflation à grimpé de 14%, la note de la dette du pays est passé de triple A à triple B, c’est-à-dire à la limite de la camelote".

Selon l'économiste, si la crise a été d’une telle violence, c’est parce que le secteur financier était démesuré. Le bilan cumulé des trois principales banques était 10 fois supérieur au PIB du pays. "Bien plus que le  secteur bancaire belge ou luxembourgeois, note Paul Jorion, de fait la banque centrale était incapable d’intervenir au moment de la panique."

"La population réclamait des têtes"

Là-bas, le pouvoir a même dû faire face à des émeutes: "un moment historique pour l’Islande, explique Paul Jorion. La population réclamait des têtes."

La politisation de la crise financière, c’est l’argument essentiel selon Pascal Riché, ayant écrit une enquête sur la crise financière enIslande: "dès l’explosion du système, les Islandais ont pris la question à bras le corps, réfléchi à leur "contrat social", bref, politisé le sujet." Les Islandais ont entre autres nommé un procureur chargé de traquer les éventuels délits commis par les responsables.

"Cela dit, il ne faut pas trop exagérer les résultats de cette traque judiciaire: la justice n'a pas poursuivi les "responsables de la crise", mais les responsables de délits avérés", nuance Pascal Riché.

Les banquiers trichent plus que les autres

Libor, Forex, embargo… Depuis 2014, on observe une série de scandales dans le secteur bancaire. Presque tous les jours une banque doit s’acquitter d’une amende. Pourquoi autant de fraudes dans les banques? "C’est général depuis le XIXe siècle, explique Paul Jorion, dans la mesure où les banquiers ont un accès direct à l’argent, la fraude est considérée comme un accident industriel. Il règne une culture de la tolérance à la fraude dans le secteur".

Une étude publiée dans la revue Nature va dans le même sens: le secteur bancaire est gagné par une culture de la triche. Pour le démontrer, les chercheurs ont utilisé un jeu vieux comme la monnaie: pile ou face.

128 banquiers, issus d’une grande banque devaient effectuer plusieurs lancés et noter le résultat eux-même. Quand la pièce tombe sur face, le joueur gagne 20 dollars, côté pile rien du tout.

Avant de tester leur honnêteté, les banquiers ont été séparés en deux groupes. Le premier groupe a été a été placé en situation professionnelle en interrogeant les joueurs sur la nature de leur travail. Le second a été placé dans un contexte privé, en interrogeant les banquiers sur leurs loisirs.

Les banquiers interrogés sur leurs loisirs ont rapporté que la pièce était tombée côté face dans 51,6% des cas. En revanche les banquiers placés en situation professionnelle ont rapporté 58,2% de lancés gagnants. D’où la conclusion des chercheurs: les banquiers trichent non pas par nature, mais par culture. En d’autres termes, le conditionnement professionnel des banquiers les poussent à la triche.

Le même test a été fait avec des employés d’autres secteurs d’activité et aucune différence statistique notable n’a été observée entre les deux groupes.

NO de billet: 2021-41-11-22-1


Mots clés Technorati : ,,,

mercredi 8 octobre 2014

La dette du Québec et des autres États = Une arnaque?????


Je reproduis l’excellent billet publié à la fois sur et sur AgoraVox


Deux mille milliards de « dette » ? C’est du bidon…

lundi 6 octobre

Ça y est ! La « dette » de la France a atteint et même dépassé les 2.000 milliards d’euros. Les média(rhées) nous gonflent les aliboffis avec des illustrations de ce que représente cette « dette ». Le nombre d’Airbus, de rames de TGV, le volume de l’Arc de Triomphe en billets de 10, etc.

Faux ! Konnerie ! La « dette » ne représente rien pour une raison bien simple : Les banquiers « prêtent » de l’argent qu’ils n’ont pas. Parce qu’ils ont un ratio de prêt de 9 à 1. Ce qui veut dire qu’ils peuvent prêter 9 lorsqu’ils ont seulement 1 en caisse ! Ils se contentent de passer quelques lignes électroniques et d’encaisser les intérêts. C’est de la pure arnaque à grande échelle.

En 2008-2009, avec un plan d’attaque établi dès la fin des années 90 par Goldman Sachs, les banques ont orchestré un risque de banqueroute généralisée suite à la « crise » organisée des subprimes. En réalité, avec quelques mouvements de lobbying et en achetant quelques hauts responsables, les banksters ont amené les dirigeants occidentaux, et particulièrement le président français en la personne de Nicolas Sarkozy, à livrer l’argent public des États dans ces mêmes banques… en empruntant cet argent à qui ? Aux banques que l’État était censé renflouer ! Un truc de oufs… Et l’addition est salée. De moins de 1300 milliards, la France est passée, suite à ce hold-up historique des banques, à plus de 2000 milliards aujourd’hui, soit plus de 700 milliards d’euros. Ceci s’appelle désormais la « crise » de la dette publique. Il faut greffer à ça les intérêts de la dette, donc de l’argent pour enrichir encore plus les banques (et les classes dirigeantes) que nous avions « sauvées ». Merci Sarko !

La dette est voulue, les déficits sciemment entretenus dans le but de fabriquer le prétexte imparable pour détricoter les acquis sociaux, démolir la démocratie de proximité et détruire la redistribution des richesses ! En a découlé un effondrement des recettes fiscales et sociales, contraignant à plus d’austérité, plus de destruction des services publics et par conséquent… creuser encore et encore la dette. Et en plus culpabiliser le cochon de payant qui « vit au dessus de ses moyens ».

L’origine de cette dette provient essentiellement de l’arnaque de la loi dite Rothschild-Pompidou, avec la complicité de Giscard. Cette loi scélérate qui a interdit à l’État français de se financer directement auprès de la Banque de France en lui imposant de se financer auprès des banques privées. Celles-ci se finançant auprès de la banque centrale à très faible taux d’intérêt et… « prêtant » l’argent des contribuables à taux bien plus élevé à l’État. La différence va dans la poche de ces banksters et prend le nom de « dette publique ». Ce système inique, cette arnaque gigantesque, a été repris par l’Europe avec les accords de Maëstricht. Cette dette a pour finalité d’asservir les États tout en renforçant le pouvoir des financiers et des rentiers. A noter que cette loi scélérate est concomitante (1973) avec la création de la mafia financière dite « Trilatérale » par Rockfeller et autres banksters…

Cette dette s’est aggravée dans les années 80. Les dépenses publiques n’ont cessé de croitre, jusqu’en 1996, tandis que les recettes publiques n’ont cessé de décroitre. Depuis les années 1980, la fiscalité sur les ménages les plus riches est passée de 65% à 41%, la fiscalité sur les entreprises est passée de 50% à 33%, et même à 8% pour les grands groupes du CAC40 (caca-rente). Évidement, la baisse des cotisations sociales des entreprises est à l’origine du déficit de la sécurité sociale et de la réforme des retraites. La dette permet un transfert des richesses vers les plus riches, payée par l’ensemble de la population. Les uns hériteront de la dette, les autres de l’argent de la dette. Le système et les inégalités seront ainsi perpétués.

Alors que faire ? Gel de ce surcroit de dette d’au moins 700 milliards (la dette « Sarko ») et soumission au référendum pour décider de son annulation pure et simple.

Les Islandais l’ont fait. Pourquoi pas nous ? François n’a-t-il pas dit un jour « Mon ennemi, c’est la finance » ?

No de Billet: 4811-41-01-80-1


Mots clés Technorati : ,,

samedi 4 octobre 2014

Encore du questionnement sur le 11 septembre 2001?????


Je reproduis ici l’excellent texte de Thierry Meyssan du Réseau Voltaire…sur les événements du 11 septembre 2001…

Publié le 11 septembre 2014

Treize ans après le 11-Septembre, l’aveuglement persiste

par Thierry Meyssan
Thierry Meyssan fut le premier à démontrer l’impossibilité de la version officielle des attentats du 11-Septembre et à en conclure à une modification profonde de la nature et de la politique du régime états-unien. Alors que la plupart de ses lecteurs continuent à se passionner pour cette journée, il a poursuivi son chemin et s’est engagé contre l’impérialisme au Liban, en Libye, et aujourd’hui en Syrie. Il revient ici sur cette folle journée.
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Thierry Meyssan
Les évènements du 11-Septembre restent gravés dans la mémoire collective sous la forme planifiée par les médias : des attentats gigantesques ont frappé New York et Washington. Mais l’enjeu de pouvoir qui a profondément changé le monde ce jour-là est toujours occulté.

Vers 10 h le matin, alors que les attentats contre le World Trade Center et le Pentagone avaient déjà eu lieu, le conseiller anti-terroriste de la Maison-Blanche, Richard Clarke, a enclenché le programme de « continuité du gouvernement ». Ce programme vise à remplacer l’Exécutif et le Législatif en cas de destruction lors d’une guerre nucléaire. Il n’avait aucune raison d’être mis en œuvre ce jour-là. Dès lors, le président George W. Bush a été démis de ses fonctions au profit d’un gouvernement militaire.

Durant toute cette journée, les membres du Congrès et leurs équipes ont été pris en charge par le Pouvoir militaire et placés aux arrêts dans deux bunkers sécurisés, situés à proximité de Washington, Greenbrier complex (Virginie occidentale) et Mount Weather (Virginie).

Le pouvoir n’a été rendu par les militaires aux civils qu’en fin de journée et le président Bush a pu s’adresser à ses concitoyens à la télévision vers 20 h.
Durant cette journée, l’ex-président George W. Bush a erré dans le pays. Sur les deux bases militaires dans lesquelles il s’est rendu, il a exigé de traverser le tarmac dans un blindé, craignant d’être tué par un de ses soldats. Le président Vladimir Poutine, qui a cherché toute la journée à le joindre par téléphone pour éviter un malentendu et une accusation lancée contre la Russie, n’y est pas parvenu.
Vers 16 h, le Premier ministre israélien, Ariel Sharon, intervint à la télévision pour dire aux États-Uniens que les Israéliens connaissaient depuis longtemps les affres du terrorisme et partageaient leur douleur. Au passage, il a annoncé que les attentats étaient finis, ce qu’il ne pouvait savoir qu’en y étant mêlé.

Nous pouvons discuter indéfiniment des incohérences de la version officielle de ces attentats, mais il n’y a pas de place à la discussion sur ce fait : le programme de continuité du gouvernement a été activé sans raison. Dans tout pays, la destitution du président et l’arrestation des parlementaires par l’armée a un nom : c’est un coup d’État militaire.
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On objectera que le président Bush a recouvré ses fonctions en fin de journée. C’est précisément ce que conseillait le néo-conservateur israélo-états-unien Edward Luttwak dans son Manuel du coup d’État. Selon lui, un bon coup d’État est celui dont personne n’a conscience car il maintient au pouvoir ceux qui l’exercent, mais il leur impose une nouvelle politique.

Durant cette journée, le principe de l’état d’urgence permanent aux États-unis a été validé. Il s’est bientôt traduit en actes avec l’USA Patriot Act. Et le principe des guerres impérialistes a également été validé. Il a été acté par le président Bush quelques jours plus tard à camp David : les États-unis devaient attaquer l’Afghanistan, l’Irak, la Libye et la Syrie via le Liban, le Soudan et la Somalie, et enfin l’Iran.

À ce jour, seule la moitié de ce programme a été réalisée. Le président Obama a annoncé hier soir qu’il le poursuivrait en Syrie.

La plupart des alliés des États-Unis ont refusé l’évidence, il y a treize ans, et se sont privés ainsi de prévoir la politique de Washington. Si l’on ne peut juger de la vérité qu’avec le temps, ces treize années ont pu trancher : tout ce que j’annonçais —et que mes contradicteurs qualifiaient d’« anti-américanisme »— a eu lieu. Et, par exemple, ils sont restés stupéfaits lorsque l’Otan s’est appuyé sur Al-Qaïda pour renverser la Jamahariya arabe libyenne.

Je suis fier d’avoir alerté le monde sur ce coup d’État et sur les guerres qui devaient le suivre, mais désolé de voir que l’opinion publique occidentale s’est perdue dans une discussion sur l’impossibilité matérielle de la version officielle. J’observe cependant que certains éléments de cette journée sont toujours occultés, tel l’incendie qui ravagea les bureaux de l’Eisenhower Building, l’annexe de la Maison-Blanche, ou encore le missile enregistré par la télévision new-yorkaise tiré devant le World Trade Center (voir vidéo ci dessous) 

La guerre continue à détruire le monde musulman, tandis que les Occidentaux, décidément aveugles, poursuivent leurs débats sur l’effondrement des tours.

No de billet 2711-41-01-40-1
Mots clés Technorati : ,,

mercredi 8 janvier 2014

Le Nouvel Ordre Mondial–Une analyse

Comprendre la stratégie du nouvel ordre mondial
vendredi 20 décembre 2013

Analyse de la stratégie géo-politique du Nouvel Ordre Mondial.

Pierre Hillard est Docteur en Science politique et professeur de relations internationales. Ses recherches portent notamment sur l’instrumentation de l’Union Européenne par les États-Unis en vue de la constitution d’un bloc économique euro-atlantique (Accord de libre-échange nord-américain, mis en application l’an dernier), et plus profondément, de l’objectif principal d’avoir une re-découpe des frontières des pays Européens afin d’obtenir une "régionalisation" de l’Union Européenne et d’un démantèlement des pays arabes (ce qui s’est produit dernièrement avec les révolutions de "jasmin").

Dans cette émission de la chaîne web Méta TV de plus de quatre heures, il explique pour la première fois de manière inter-active, avec production de cartes et de documents originaux en direct, les réels dessous des décisions politiques, stratégique, la dimension socio-culturelle et religieuse, montrant les objectifs des personnes au pouvoir et celles qui "tirent les ficelles" en coulisse. (Vous y apprendrez parmi d’autres choses les vrais raisons qui ont provoqué la Première Guerre mondiale).

C’est une remarquable synthèse (analyse autant du passé que de son avenir) de ce que nous réserve le « Nouvel Ordre Mondial ».

Comprendre le nouvel ordre mondial avec Pierre... parmetatvofficiel

Comprendre le nouvel ordre mondial avec Pierre... parmetatvofficiel

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lundi 6 janvier 2014

Nouvelle Évidence de complot–JFK?

New Evidence in JFK Assassination: Why Are They Keeping it From Us?

Posted by Joe For America on Jan 3, 2014 in Email, Media, Politics

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imageSimilar to new DNA technology springing innocent people from prison after serving decades of time, new fingerprint technology may have brought forward a breakthrough in the Kennedy assassination. But the evidence is not forthcoming in the major media – why?

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That seems to always be the question, doesn’t it? Maybe the answer lies with the fact that it’s one more piece of solid evidence pointing at the one person with the most to gain from JFK’s death: Lyndon Johnson.. (hat tip Dan Eden @ View Zone)

When president Kennedy was shot in Dallas, Texas in 1963, police and the FBI stormed the Texas Book Depository and located a rifle near an open window. The so-called “sniper’s nest” had been made by arranging several cardboard boxes so as to both hide the shooter from anyone who might have been on the 6th floor at the time and also to support the rifle while the shooter took aim from the window overlooking the president’s motorcade.

Investigators scoured the scene for fingerprints but the rifle and the boxes had apparently been wiped clean. The only forensic element that could possibly identify the killer was a partial fingerprint that was lifted from one of the cardboard boxes.

In an attempt to identify this print, officials took the prints of everyone who worked at the Book Depository, including the main suspect, Lee Harvey Oswald. They also compared this print to police and FBI agents who had access to the crime scene, but the print remained an enigma.

The print, as it turns out, belongs to Malcolm Wallace, the long time friend and associate of president Lyndon Baines Johnson.

Fingerprints can become distorted, bent and stretched by the surface of various objects. The science of fingerprint analysis instead examines many unique features found in the fingerprint patterns. It is an exact science. A match is given a score based on the number of elements that are identical on any two sets of prints. A “match” is usually confirmed if there are at least 12 identical elements.

The prints from Dallas and Wallace match on 14 unique points. What’s more intriguing is that a recent documentary on the subject obtained the analysis of a fingerprint expert who had done this type of work for 35 years. Upon his examination he found a correlation of 34 points. There’s no doubt — it’s Wallace.


Who exactly is Malcolm Wallace?

Malcolm Wallace was born and educated in Texas. He was an intelligent man who graduated from the University of Texas and was quickly recruited by Lyndon Johnson and given a job at the Federal Department of Agriculture.

He first came to the attention of authorities when he was arrested in 1951, tried and convicted of killing a professional golfer named John Douglas Kinser. At the time, Kinser was having an affair with Lyndon Johnson’s sister, Josefa — and was also involved with Wallace’s wife. Josepha was an alcoholic and drug user. She had a reputation for being promiscuous and, especially when she was high, she disclosed personal information and stories about Lyndon. It was feared that she might have already disclosed some illegal acivities about Johnson to Kinser, specifically certain activities he had engaged in during his race for the Senate.
Kinser was gunned down in his golf club. Shortly after, Wallace was arrested and found guilty of First Degree Murder. During his 10 day trial, Wallace was represented by LBJ’s own lawyer. Johnson took a room near to the courthouse and had runners keep him updated on the testimony and proceedings. To everyone’s surprise, the trial concluded with Wallace receiving a 5 years suspended sentence!

Later, in 1961, Wallace again was implicated in another murder for Johnson. This time the victim was Henry Marshall, an official with the local Agriculture Department who had been investigating an illegal source of Johnson’s funding. In 1961, State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation official Henry Marshall was investigating a broad series of fraudulent government subsidies — amounting to figures in the seven or eight digit range — allotted to Billie Sol Estes, a close personal friend of Senate Majority Leader then Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson. Marshall had uncovered a paper trail that was leading him closer and closer to Johnson himself. It is reported that all the guilty parties held a meeting at which Johnson gave the order, “Get rid of him.”


So maybe it’s true and perhaps it’s more food for conspiratorial thought – but why isn’t the fingerprint evidence at least being followed up? The answer to that lies in the same locker room where a lot of Texas politicians talk before playing golf, tennis or cards…

.. to be continued.



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    3 days ago


    Lyndon Johnson honed the art of voter fraud to a fine degree during his elections in Texas. The fact that he voted the dead in the grave yards was well known. The Democrats have not changed since that time.


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      Myrtle Linder toenail

      2 days ago


      Johnson did his part to bring our nation to this point of debauchery. In his own way he was just as corrupt as is Obama. He simply did not have the backing the corrupt training that Obama had available. The Bilderberg's, I believe is behind Obama.,


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        Irish1025 Myrtle Linder

        2 days ago


        And the CIA. Obama's mother worked for the CIA.


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          limdog Irish1025

          12 hours ago


          That must be where the connection of Obama to H.W. lies. I had heard that Obama is H.W.s CIA puppet. Jr. was as well of course. This also answers why the coverup continues long after LBJs death. H.W. Bush is still alive.


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            Irish1025 limdog

            6 hours ago


            ALL the US President's Are related to each other Including Obama! I saw this video on Youtube there was a young middle school girl who did a family tree on ALL our Presidents. Very Smart girl.



      • Avatar Myrtle Linder

        13 hours ago


        I believe this treaonous terrorist we have now is being funded by the Muslim brotherhood al Qaeda . Was 10 when this president was assassinated we saw it on the Televisions in school.(1965) we all suspected something . But if this is true about Johnson then it is truly a sad commentary to this country. May LBJ be roasting big time...... As for our own lying,thieving,cowardly ,raise,card carrying blood brother musli murderer terrorist. Your days of terror are coming to an end.. By impeachment and a prison cell. Signed....A Mom Against Obama in California



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    George Russell

    3 days ago


    LBJ won the 1960 election by winning Texas and Illinois; had he lost either, Nixon would have won. There is pretty good evidence that the two states went for JFK based on voting fraud. There was also Democratic fraud in the 1968 election won by Nixon; and people wonder why Nixon had a Paranoid Personality Disorder?


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    3 days ago


    I can remember as a sophomore in HS thinking that LBJ had something to do with Kennedy's assassination. I couldn't stand that man from the day he took the oath of office as Veep.


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    3 days ago


    There was a PBS or History Channel documentary a number of years ago detailing all the evidence pointing to Johnson as ordering the hit. I've not been able to find a link to that doc online, but I recall watching it.


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    2 days ago


    My father always thought it was Johnson behind JFK's murder.



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    John Cassin

    3 days ago


    Because Lyndon Johnson was behind it.


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    2 days ago


    Funny thing is, when Kennedy was assassinated, I told my parents that Johnson did it. If a six year old child can see his evil, why couldn't the investigators?


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    3 days ago


    I remember the day that Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald. Right before the shot was fired Oswald turned and looked at Ruby as if he knew him and isn't just an amazing coincidence that Jack Ruby died of cancer a short time later. You don't mess with them good ole boys from the South.


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    2 days ago


    There was nothing good about LBJ. He had people killed in order to further his political career and when he got where he wanted to go, he was lousey at it. He was the biggest failure as a president in US history up to his time. He has later been surpassed by every commieonazicrat president we have had since then, the latest one is currently in the lead for the prize of being the most sleazy and incompetent POS ever to be in the White House.


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    2 days ago


    Everything since Kennedy's assassination now has to be looked at more closely. The OKC bombing, 911, Sandy Hook, The Boston Bombing, etc....most if not all are false flag operations by the ruthless shadow government that took control after his death.


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      Brian Bennett fiatdollars

      a day ago


      And lets hear how the OKC bombing was false flag? I was there by the way. He was caught in the car he drove from Kingman AZ. It was bought from a lady in my church in Kingman where he lived. He planned it and it was documented by both the FBI and the local PD...not under cover or wrapped up by a CIA blanket but open and free...I was stationed in OKC during the bombing and there was no question who did it and how it was accomplished. They even learned to make the bomb in the local Mohave Community College classes on mining! Its the same Prell we used at the mine to blow shelves. I'm sorry I believe in false flag operations, but I was too involved in OKC and in Kingman AZ to believe anyone but a little weirded out militia group planned that one.



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    3 days ago


    I remember Allen Sherman. He made fun of Billy Sol Estes for a reason.



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    2 days ago


    Interesting for sure



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    Iron Tub

    2 days ago


    I was 10 years old, when this occurred and remember vividly watching the news coverage to this . and a lot of the details that no longer exist The more this story is told, the stranger it gets.


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      Jeramiah Styers Iron Tub

      2 days ago


      In 97 Congress tried to debunk the conspiracy theory once and for all and found it 99% likely the government was involved in the murder of JFK. SUPRISE. . . no news coverage. The news media is not going to admit that it helped cover up such terrible act for all these years.



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    David Edward Smith

    2 days ago


    The simple FACT that a presidential motorcade was driven past a PERSON with a perfect unobstructed view and a high powered RIFLE is PROOF of a conspiracy. MY money is still on OSWALD, but with plenty of help and encouragement from UNKNOWN persons with an unlikely, but ERROR proof, plan.


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      Jeramiah Styers David Edward Smith

      2 days ago


      Go to the museum. That shot is impossible. magic bullet theory = B.S.


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        Iron Tub Jeramiah Styers

        2 days ago


        You are exactly right! Plus the back of a head will not blow off and spray the motor cycle cops behind the motorcade when you are hit in the back of the head. On the original zapruter film it showed Jackie jump on the trunk compartment to try to retrieve pieces of skull. Not even remotely possible if you are hit from behind. In the museum as they show this film, that part is deleted.



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    Bob Nelson

    3 days ago


    OK Joe I get your point...the day it happened the first words out of my mom's mouth were "LBJ did it." But don't we have enough problems on our hands with the current batch of progressive criminals without having to dredge up this muck?? It just gives them grist for their "radical right wing" ridicule mill.


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      Patrick Klocek Bob Nelson

      2 days ago


      I agree that it really is a point of history only now. We should treat it as such. We need to keep our current and watchful eye on current Progressives knowing what they are full well capable of.



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    pedr epp

    3 days ago


    the rifle was not found near the window. the boxes were not wiped clean.

    "The only forensic element that could possibly identify the killer was a partial fingerprint that was lifted from one of the cardboard boxes." lie

    they found lee's prints on the rifle and fragments from his shirt in the action.


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      pedr epp pedr epp

      2 days ago


      doctors testifying before the commission who were knowledgeable about the positions of jfk and the governor did not believe one bullet with a little widening at its base created the throat, chest, wrist and thigh wounds. the entrance and exist of the missile causing the dorsal and volar wounds in the distal radius confounded dr. oliver. examine the x-ray of Connally's radius and note the angle of the crack.



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      stevenaquinn pedr epp

      3 days ago


      They found Oswald's palm print on the rifle. Forensics verified it was the rifle that killed Kennedy There are pictures of Oswald holding that same rifle. Forensics also verified that same rifle was used in an attempt to assassinate General Walker. There was a sales receipt to A. Hiddel for the rifle. A. Hiddel was Oswald's pseudo ID. The rifle was identified by Marina Oswald as belonging to her husband.


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        Rob Ca stevenaquinn

        3 days ago


        I always thought the pic of Oswald holding the rifle mentioned by stevenaquinn looked doctored.
        They didn't have the benefit of photo shop back then and IMHO the head doesn't quite look in proportion to the rest of the body.
        If they found LBJ's murderous pal's fingerprint in the book depository...
        That's pretty damning evidence IMHO because of course there is no other reason for it to be there than if LBJ's pal was in on it in some way.


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          pedr epp Rob Ca

          2 days ago


          marina told authorities she took that picture of lee at his request. fingerprints are not an infallible means of identification. lho denied involvement. most presidential assassins take credit.



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        bobfrommosinee stevenaquinn

        2 days ago


        1.The Carcano rifle, even in the hands of experts is incapable of make those shots in the time frame,
        2. The velocity of the bullet along with the construction of the bullet, a Full Metal Jacket, Makes it impossible to create the type of head wound inflicted on JFK.
        Impact velocities to create that type of explosive hydrostatic action exhibited, Have to be at or above 2,600 feet per second, and the Carcano carbine's muzzle velocity is only 2,100 feet per second, Also with the size of the bullet used, 6.5mm 160 gr. The bullet would have had to been a hollow point, and you would still have needed a impact velocity of 2,600 fps, at 2,100 fps it sill would have been impossible.
        Now if you doubt it, Then why didn't the other wounds in Kennedy's body show the same pattern of explosive disruption? All the ammunition was FMJ, no hollow points were ever found or logged into evidence.


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          pedr epp bobfrommosinee

          8 hours ago


          read what dr. oliver said about the damage done to human skulls during experiments he ran with the same model rifle and the same ammo


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            bobfrommosinee pedr epp

            an hour ago


            Sorry, But Newtons Laws are immutable, And Ballistics are what they are, The Ballistics required to create that type of wound, require 2,600 fps impact velocity, and with a bullet the size of the Carcano, 6.5 mm 160 gr. It would have needed to be a hollow point.

            All of the ammunition recovered was Full Metal Jacket, designed to meet with the standards of the Geneva Convention.

            Now I don't know the Good Doctors Bona Fides, But I have been dealing in ballistic for 43 years, I have been reloading since I was 17, I was a firearms instructor in the military for 15 years, Also worked as a sworn officer, and private security. I have several hundreds of thousands of bullets fired down range, and The 6.5mm Carcano Carbine, with a 160gr. FMJ does not have the necessary velocity to create that type of wound, The muzzle velocity from the 17.7 inch barrel is 2,100 fps, 500 fps below the 2,600 fps needed at impact to create that type of wound.

            The laws of physics are what they are.

            Now add to that, When the FBI and SS went to recreate and take measurements of angles, They returned every thing to as it was entered into evidence, and found a problem, When the window was set to the opening that was recorded in the initial collection of evidence, It was to low to allow the use of the telescopic sight, The lower sash was right across the view of the area where Kennedy was struck through the scope mounted on the rifle.



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      pedr epp pedr epp

      2 days ago


      marina didn't know what year she was born. maddy brown has no proof lbj fathered her son.


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        pedr epp pedr epp

        2 days ago


        no one could explain how lee's rifle got from paine's car into her garage. the judge in the only case brought to trial, by jim garrison, said he was sure the defendant lied, although he was found not guilty.



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      pedr epp pedr epp

      2 days ago


      the quantity of fragments left in the wounds exceeded what the nearly perfect bullet lost, if it lost anything. examine the bullet. see if you can find where any fragments became dislodged. the nose has a slight nick in it. a piece was removed for the commission to analyze content.



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    Nanci Alley

    2 days ago


    Now this is not shocking! I have had my suspicions since the movie JFK! In it it documents the supposition that Bell Helicopter was going bankrupt which Johnson owned stock in & the company was owned by Johnson's wife Lucinda Bell Johnson, know as Lady Bird Johnson! Johnson ramped up the Vietnam war upon the death of Kennedy & saved his wife's families business & made Johnson a billionaire!



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    Frank Tillman

    2 days ago


    If there is a "Hell" LBJ is burning in it right now! A thoroughly wretched man as dastardly vicious politician an evil ratba$tard if one ever existed.


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    2 days ago


    It will be interesting when we get to the other side and learn the truth about these things. Many of the great here probably won't be great there.



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    2War Abn Vet

    2 days ago


    The Clintons must have studies the Johnson model of politics.



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    2 days ago


    I have always believed that Johnson was responsible for JFK's death. I also believe that Jackie knew if only in her heart, who is responsible and kept it to herself for the safety of her children. It won't be in my life time, but when her letters, documents etc. are allowed to be made public, we might find out the truth unless the Dems/libs keep it hidden.



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    2 days ago


    By his own admission, Johnson falsified his first election when he stuff the ballot box for 6th grade class president. He later admonished a Texas state legislator who lost a close election by concession that you 'never concede until you know the other guy's total; then you can always find a box or two of uncounted ballots in the backroom of some precinct office..'



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    Bruno's Beach

    2 days ago


    Liberty is an adaptation to our own ignorance regarding much of the knowledge we make use of each day and the uncertainty associated with future events and circumstances.



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    2 days ago


    I have ALWAYS said . LBJ was the MAIN Man , behind JFK'S KILLING



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    Gene Ricky Shaw

    3 days ago


    Oswald was a staunch Communist and JFK was anti communist. I don't buy any conspiracy theories. After 50 years not a single person has come forward, despite the fame and millions they would get if they did, not to mention protection from all of the publicity.


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      Diane Black Gene Ricky Shaw

      2 days ago


      Not to mention, getting DEAD.


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        Gene Ricky Shaw Diane Black

        2 days ago


        Doubtful. First, if a person offered proof of a conspiracy, they would be plastered on CNN, Time, Newsweek etc, nonstop. Two, anyone who could have faced trouble for a conspiracy would likely be dead or in serious age. If a conspiracy happened (I don't think it did), anyone who presented evidence would be SUPER protected just by the publicity alone.

        Oliver Stone was dead wrong.


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          pdx73 Gene Ricky Shaw

          2 days ago


          So you are the smart one while millions of other far more qualified and respected people are wrong. It must be nice living on your planet.


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            Gene Ricky Shaw pdx73

            2 days ago


            Actually, it's you conspiracy types who think you're the smart ones and the rest of us are all dupes, right? I just floated an idea. It's YOU guys who think you have all of the answers.

            Lighten up, buddy.



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          bobfrommosinee Gene Ricky Shaw

          2 days ago


          Sorry, But the ballistics of a 6.5mm 160gr. FMJ make it impossible that Kennedy was murdered with that rifle, It's muzzle velocity is 500 feet per second below the threshold needed to create that type of hydrostatic head wound.



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      Jeramiah Styers Gene Ricky Shaw

      2 days ago


      actually they did nobody paid attention.


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        Gene Ricky Shaw Jeramiah Styers

        2 days ago


        I watched this. First of all, it was from Jesse Ventura so it lacks some credibility. Second, they brought up the whole "George HW Bush was involved" angle, further removing credibility.

        When I lived in San Francisco, I kept seeing signs that said "Jail <x> for the murder of JFK", where <x> changed as the president did. First it was Carter, then Reagan, then Bush. Really? All of those presidents were involved? It made me realize that this was an issue people were constantly going to use to try to taint presidents' terms, regardless of the facts of the case.</x></x>



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      stevenaquinn Gene Ricky Shaw

      3 days ago


      There has never been one single piece of evidence that points to anybody other than Oswald. He was a nobody who wanted to be a somebody. Oswald did it. Johnson didn't, the Mob didn't, Castro didn't, the Russians didn't, the CIA didn't, the FBI didn't, need I go on?

      Every re-creation using modern forensics and computer aided re-enactments verify that all the shots came from the sixth floor of the Texas Schoolbook Depository.

      There was no conspiracy.


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        jim stevenaquinn

        2 days ago


        JFK's head going back and too the left after the fatal shot is not proof that all the shots came from the TSD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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        COMALite J stevenaquinn

        2 days ago


        My favorite alternate hypothesis is that Oswald did it, but that he wasn’t all that amazing a shot. He missed! He was trying to kill Governor Connally, and hit the President instead by mistake.



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        jaws4316 stevenaquinn

        2 days ago


        I agree 100% that Oswald did it. That still leaves the question of why he did it or if someone paid him or ordered him to do it. And if so, who? We never got to hear his side of the story since Ruby silenced him within 48 hours. That's why there are still so many who believe in a conspiracy 50 years later. That and idiots like Oliver Stone.


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          CJeanne jaws4316

          2 days ago


          A couple of the top fornesic pathologists in the US debated this on an independent news station in November; neither of them believed Oswald shot Kennedy as the "one" bullet theory that the Warren Commission agreed on could not be recreated to cause the injuries which existed. The fornesics were messed up really bad too as "Johnson" gave permission for a MD in Parkland Hospital in Texas to do autopsy - and that pathologist was not authorized to, did not have the experience to do one. However Johnson said that he just wanted to support Jackie Kennedy and get the body on a plane back to Washington asap.
          There was alot of discussion about Johnson's connections in Texas and his hatred of Kennedy - and significant potential for Johnson to have been involved as Johnson "hated" Kennedy; discussion about someone connected with Johnson and Wallace and past "hits" done by that individual.
          Was speculation about the FBI or CIA being involved as Kennedy had just shared with top officials that he wanted to combine the agencies as he felt they would be more efficient and reliable if they were. Hoover and the FBI specifically did NOT want that to happen.
          However, no support for Oswald having been lone gunman killer.



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          Nanci Alley jaws4316

          2 days ago


          Then why was Oswald murdered? Why did the head shot come from the front & right of JFK? The school book depository was behind JFK! Why was a puff of smoke coming from behind the picket fence on the "grassy knoll"? Too big to have come from a cigarette or cigar. I have always believed that their was more than one shooter! I believe that Oswald was set up to take the fall, there was just too many inconsistencies to point to Oswald. Oswald would have has to shoot behind a tall tree that had all the leaves on it. How did he shoot through all of that foliage? It was a Texas elm tree that produces leaves in the fall! No Oswald did not kill President Kennedy!



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        Louie Goebel stevenaquinn

        2 days ago


        And we also went to the moon



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    a day ago


    In the words of the famous Killary, after all this time what does it matter?



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    a day ago


    the print doesn't mean a shooter was found. It could just mean that the person who PLACED the rifle was found. I don't believe it was a 1-person job.



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    a day ago


    I was 8 I remember thinking it was just like all the spy shows and movies that were popular at the time wasn't sure if LBJ or NIXON, but was sure it was someone in the government or politcian.



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    Dan Moore

    2 days ago


    I have said for 40 years that Johnson was behind the assassination of JFK. But my my wife thought I was nuts.



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    2 days ago


    Why cover? simple Kennedy was like Nobama and don't won said why was shoot, bad propaganda for Dems.



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    Daniel Penney

    2 days ago


    I'm with Jackie. Lyndon did it.



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    a day ago


    always ask "who has the most to gain?"



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    Trevor Lee

    a day ago


    My Grandmother told me that she saw footage of Johnson jumping for joy and yelling "Hooray I'm president" only once and never saw it again back when this happened. Looks like Grandma may have been right. I wish she was still around to read this.



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    Bob Louden

    3 days ago


    Make sure you get your facts straight before jumping on to a conspiracy band wagon (the Warren Commission actually provided documentation for all their evidence unlike most of these conspiracy theory websites). There was a palmprint on the rifle that was identified as belonging to Oswald, as well as synthetic fibers on butt plate of rifle matching Oswald's shirt. There was also 20 identifiable fingerprints and 8 palmprints on the cardboard boxes (sniper's nest), including left palmprint and right index fingerprint of Oswald. Also right palmprint and left index fingeprint of Oswald on homemade paper bag (made from materials at book depository and which Oswald told his work peer contained curtain rods from home). The rifle was mail ordered by Oswald (in his handwriting, using fictitious name that was registered to receive mail on his personal P.O. box - as was the handgun that killed Officer Tippit), there were several witnesses that saw a man matching Oswald's description in the 6th floor window shortly before the assassination, and a handful of witnesses (9 to be exact) that identified Oswald fleeing the scene of the Tippet murder (and re-loading his pistol). That evidence combined with his erratic behavior (before and after the assassination), his employment at the book depository, his resisting arrest and pulling gun on police in theater, his untrue answers given to the Dallas detectives during questioning after arrest, and his failed assassination attempt of Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker months earlier make him a more likelier suspect in my opinion than LBJ.


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      Jeramiah Styers Bob Louden

      2 days ago


      Make sure YOU know your facts. The workers in the mortuary where Oswald was taken claim that fbi came in with the rifle and put oswalds prints on it. They were never talked to by the warren commission. The guy on the ground protecting his family in the assassination video, yeah closest person not in the car to the president never even talked to the warren commission. (Oddly enough puts the shooter behind him and saw another man in a second story window across the street.)

      Impossible to make that many shots with that rifle much less accurately. Oswald had the lowest possible shooting badge in the military no way he could have made the shot. Witnesses and oswalds own statement placed him at a soda machine with much less than enough time to be in position to make the shot. A call was made reporting a man sneaking into a movie theater through a side door. the president had very recently been shot yet they sent 20 cars + camera to arrest someone who reportedly snuck into a movie theater? Come on really? You know your facts?


      • Avatar

        Bob Louden Jeramiah Styers

        21 hours ago


        There's a big difference between fbi investigators (involved in the assassination investigation) collecting additional prints from Oswald's dead body and "coming in with the rifle and putting Oswald's prints on it." I believe the FACTS indicate that a team of FBI agents (with a crime kit) visited the morgue where Oswald's body was being kept on the evening of November 24. The visit was recorded by a local newspaper, and was later discussed by the funeral director, Paul Groody, who was there when the agents arrived. According to Groody, the agents took several fingerprints from Oswald's hands - there is no mention of the rifle or the transferring of Oswald's prints that I'm aware of (by Groody or the newspaper - perhaps you have some documentation that indicates otherwise?).

        The Warren Commission took testimonies from 552 witnesses and reviewed numerous reports from other agencies involved in the investigation that included tens of thousands of interviews (over 25,000 alone from the FBI). They acknowledge conflicting testimonies on the number of shots, where the shots came from, and what was allegedly seen/heard. However, the bulk of the hard evidence indicates there was three shots fired from the 6th floor of the book depository (where Oswald worked) by a lone shooter that fit Oswald's description using a rifle that belonged to Oswald. Oswald's actions before and after the assassination, his history/background, and testimony after his arrest support the theory that he was the gun man on the 6th floor of the book depository. I don't think there are any doubts that there COULD be other scenarios. However, there is little to no credible/documented evidence that supports all these alleged conspiracy theories.

        It may be your opinion that it is impossible to make that many (2 of 3?) shots accurately with the 6.5-millimeter model 91/38 Mannlicher-Carcano rifle at a distance of less than 100 yards, but there are numerous experts that disagree with you. Furthermore, Oswald was tested by the marines twice after his rifle training in marksmanship (at distances up to 500 yards). He received a rating of "sharpshooter" on one and "marksman" on the other (not the lowest possible ratings that I'm aware of). Most military experts would agree that those scores are average to above average for marines with that specific training and, compared to the average civilian, would make him an excellent shot. Oswald was known to hunt with a .22 bolt-action rifle and (according to his wife) practiced sighting with the telescopic lens and operating the bolt with the M-C rifle.

        Oswald, who was observed on the 6th floor of the book depository building within 35 minutes of the assassination, was observed on the 2nd floor lunchroom walking toward the soda machine (from the stairwell) within minutes of the assassination. This observation was made by a police officer who heard the shots while riding a motorcycle behind the last press car of the presidential motorcade. He parked his motorcycle, ran into the book depository, shouted for directions to the stairs, and proceeded to follow the building manager up the stairs when he caught a glimpse of Oswald walking away from the stairwell on the 2nd floor. The Warren Commission (in multiple tests) concluded that Oswald could have made the trip from the NW corner of the 6th floor where shots were fired) to the 2nd floor lunch room in 1 minute and 15 seconds (plus or minus several seconds) after the assassination - approximately the same time (if not less than that) required for the police officer to make his trip to the same point.

        Lastly, the Texas theater is located on Jefferson Blvd., approximately 8 blocks from the Tippet killing and 6 blocks from where Oswald was last seen running from the murder scene. The manager (Johnny Brewer) of a shoe store just a few doors down from the theater observed Oswald ducking into his lobby as police cars with sirens drove past. After the sirens grew faint, Oswald left the lobby walking toward the theater. Brewer, who had just learned of the Kennedy assassination and Tippet murder, followed Oswald describing him as funny - "His hair was sort of messed up and looked like he had been running, and he looked scared, and he looked funny." After talking with Brewer and confirming that Oswald had ducked into the movie theater without paying, the theater ticket seller (Julia Postal) called the police, telling Brewer "I don't know if this is the man they want, but he is running from them for some reason." Based on the facts (as confirmed in the Warren Report), it hardly seems incredible that numerous police cars and officers would converge on the theater to apprehend an armed and dangerous suspect that had just murdered one of their own (and fit the description of the Kennedy assassination suspect - although I don't believe the connection had been made at this point). Read the Warren Report instead of the wack-a-loon conspiracy website data - it might start to make some sense for you...


        see more


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    Ruth Hofmann

    2 days ago


    Naw ... Carlos Marcello & his cohorts in the mob already admitted - in the mid-80's - to having JFK killed. There was so many fingers in 'that pie' that who actually pulled the triggers is irrelevant now. It was orchestrated for various reasons by many ... and covered up for many more. No one will ever be tried & convicted for it. Move on.



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    Larry Hauck

    2 days ago





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    Plow Comms

    2 days ago


    If we can make use of more knowledge than we actually know, we can overcome our natural ignorance and create useful things that apply others' knowledge toward the situations we face.


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    Elizabeth Durbin

    5 hours ago


    After watching a documentary on John F. Kennedy, the thought that Johnson may have had something to do with his assassination, There was bitterness by Johnson over Kennedy's being nominated for presidency. He was offered the vice-presidency due to that he was from Texas, and Kennedy needed Texas to get the presidency. Who would gain from his death, Johnson!



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    5 hours ago


    I read the entire "Warren Commission Report" when I was 14 years of age and back then, thought to myself, "What a crock of s**t. Even before viewing the Zapruder film, I knew that Oswald was a "patsy", and was "set up" to "take the fall" along with Jack Ruby. Of course, it was difficult to discuss this with almost anyone at the time, but ... eventually the TRUTH comes out.



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    10 hours ago


    LBJ was an alcoholic scumbag.....typical democrap



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    12 hours ago





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    a day ago


    There is a Malcom E. Wallace, b. 10-15-1921 and d. 01-07-1971 buried at a loal cemetery near me. I have heard gossip that one of LBJ's co-harts was burined here. Or could it be someone elze that buried here and worked for LBJ?



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    The Roadster

    2 days ago


    Those of the liberty school actively support the ideas of limited government upon which morality, liberty, and democratic processes depend.



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    John Vescuso

    2 days ago


    What Oswald Told Baker Before the JFK Assassination
    udyth Vary Baker continues her conversation with Michael Opitz and
    Garland Favorito. In this last segment, she tells us more about Lee
    Harvey Oswald and why he flew to Mexico, why he did not go to Cuba, and
    why he never joined the communist party. Buy Judyth’s book entitled “Me & Lee” to read her full history of the events, along with her documented evidence. You can also visit the official website called “Me & Lee



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    2 days ago


    Hey Joe, have you listened to E.Howard Hunt's death bed confession?